Friday, January 18, 2013

In Flight

Last night was our final evening in Nicaragua.  We said our farewells around tables at the Camino Real Hotel in Managua.  Our plates were piled high with rice, veggies and meats; some of us elected to eat Tostones con Queso, the local specialty of friend plantains and fried cheese, as well.  After dinner we gathered around the hotel pool to reflect on our experiences.  With Pat and Lily we discussed our trip, our constructive criticism for next year, the difficulties and culture shock of coming to a new country, and, most importantly, what we had learned.
            With a 5am wake up call looming before most of us, we said good night and goodbye to those with later flights and went to bed.  Rising before the sun, we shuffled quickly through the breakfast line for 10 minutes before stepping onto the awaiting shuttle.  Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the Managua airport, received the first of many customs forms and waited for our turn to check our bags with English speaking American Airlines desk attendants.  It was slightly relieving not to apologetically have to say “no Española.” 
            Once freed of our bags, we walked swiftly through the exit customs (not yet time to declare our many purchase) and stepped into the shortest security line most of us had ever seen – with a mere 2 people in front of us.  Once at the gate we separated to purchase various drinks and final sundries – my $3USD Fresca was bought from a store without a cash register, merely a large box of cash sitting on a chair protected by 4 seedy looking men – a final reminder of the interesting, and sometimes saddening Nicaraguan culture of politics and power.
            Upon disembarking in Miami we went through customs, retrieved our checked luggage, rechecked it again, went back through security and hustled onto our final bittersweet flight to Washington, D.C.  Farewell, Nicaragua, until we meet again!

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